One of the features of using Quicktap Tennis Scorekeeper is being able to make simple entries on the watch to help keep a match log on the phone which is paired with the watch.

There are two varieties of this type of logging.  The first is a simple point and score log and the second involves making an additional entry from a pick list after every point on the watch and having that entry appear and be remembered on the phone log.  This allows for richer match tracking but does involved extra watch taps during the match you are playing.

We’ll start by setting up and showing simple match logging and then go over more expanded match logging later.  

The first step to starting match logging is to make the proper settings on the phone and then transmit them to the watch.  For simple match logging it starts with setting the logging switch on in the settings tab and transmitting that data to the watch.

When the setting are received by the watch, you’ll see the ‘Settings sent’ message on the phone and the watch will vibrate as well.  Make sure the watch app is active on your watch before attempting to transmit settings.  If the app is not running and active at the same time, the settings can not be transmitted.

Sometimes the transmit process will not work because the watch has temporarily lost contact with the phone or the app is not active.  The resulting screen will look like this instead of the one on the upper right with the ‘Settings sent’ message:

When this happens, make sure the watch app is active then try again.  If that does not work, use the watch menu screen to reset the connection and try sending the settings again.  If that doesn’t work, reboot the phone and the watch and that should fix it.

Once that is completed and you see the ‘Setting sent’ message, press the Point Tab log and you’ll see a blank logging screen:

For each point recorded on the watch, the result of the point will show up in the Point Log.  When the match is started the ‘match log’ line will appear and after each point is tapped into the score on the watch, the point info will appear.

As each reported on the watch and the score is updated there, a score update is sent to the phone and added into the log.  The base score update includes who is serving, who won the point, match elapsed time, and the score after the point is logged.

Now, for a trade off of having to do a little more when recording points on the watch, you can add more detail to the match log which can help you try and figure out what exactly when wrong (or right) during your last match.  After a couple of hours in the sun running around around like a maniac, sometimes details can get a little fuzzy.  This mechanism can help with trying to remember what went on when you’re trying to analyze what happened.

The first step is to set up a set of Point Types you’d like to take after each point.  They will be presented as a pick list after each point on the watch.   You set up the Point Types in the Point Type tab:

These are the Point Types that come with the app but you can delete those, add to them, etc by using the plus and minus buttons.  For more details about that, check out the Phone App detailed instructions here.

Once you have the Point Types the way you want it, you need to transmit that information down to the watch app.  Go to the settings page and set the switches like this and then press the ‘Send settings to Watch’ button to send them across.  Also the watch will vibrate when it receives the data.

Once you start recording match points, after each point you will be prompted to select what type of point occurred.  These point types will be in a pick list corresponding to what you set up on the phone.  Here is a typical couple of sequences:

In this situation, you are receiving and you win the point.  You DOUBLE TAP WIN and then you will see the pick list.  The pick list scrolls up and down so you can see all of the choices.  Tap on ‘short’ to indicate that this was a short point and you see the logged entry on the right.

At any point, you can save the match log as recorded to iCloud files by tapping the ‘Export’ button.  You will see a screen which asks for a file name.  Fill in whatever you like and press ‘Save’ and the log will be saved to that file name in iCloud.  This will happen automatically at the end of the match as well.

Quicktap Tennis Scorekeeper

1151 Freeport Rd, #372                                                        

Pittsburgh PA 15238                                                                       412-889-4431